第 102 课:How old is it? 它有多少年的历史了?

TONY: How old is it? 它有多少年的历史了?

BEN: Look here. It's dated 1640, and it's signed by two great Indians. All the big museums would like to own this, but it's going to stay right here at the Morris Museum in Stamford. . . It's worth a fortune. 看这儿。注明的日期是1640 年, 由两个伟大的印第安人在上面签了字。所有大博物馆都想要它, 但它将在斯坦福德的莫里斯博物馆呆下去...... 它值一大笔钱呢。

TONY: It's your museum, Mr. Morris, so why don't you sit at the desk? And Mr. Tate, why don't you look over Mr. Morris's shoulder? 莫里斯先生, 这家博物馆是你的, 那你就坐在桌边吧! 泰特先生, 你从莫里斯先生肩后看过来好吗?

PHILIP: Like this? 像这样?

TONY: That's fine. . . Mr. Morris, a pleasant look, please? Thank you. . . That's it. You'll see the story in Friday's paper. 很好...... 莫里斯先生, 高兴点儿。谢谢......就这样了。你们会在周五的报纸上看到这篇报道。

PHILIP: I look forward to seeing it. 我希望很快看到它。

DIANA: Uncle Ben? The carpenters want to talk to you about the new room. 本叔叔, 木匠要同你谈一谈新房间的问题。

BEN: Oh, good. Philip, why don't you come with me? 噢, 好。菲利普, 跟我一块来吧。

PHILIP: So good to meet you, Mr. Hunter. 亨特先生, 很高兴认识你。

TONY: Thank you. 谢谢。

TONY: They don't get along, do they? 他们相处得不好, 是不是?

DIANA: And Mr. Tate started to work here only three weeks ago. 泰特先生三周前才来这儿工作。

TONY: I hate to say it, Diana, but your uncle does have a difficult personality.
我并不想这么说, 戴安娜, 但你叔叔的确很难相处。

DIANA: Oh, sometimes he blows up at people, but he doesn't really mean it. You know,Uncle Ben started this museum. Now he's sitting pretty, and he has the money to hire Mr. Tate. I think that's good news. 嗯, 有时他冲人发火, 但他不是存心的。你知道, 本叔叔创建了这个博物馆, 现在他很富有, 他有钱雇用泰特先生。我想这是个好消息。

TONY: I'm not so sure. 我不大肯定。