第 105 课: Who else was given a key? 还有谁有钥匙?

DETECTIVE STONE: So you say the outside door was closed when you got here?也就是说, 当你到这儿的时候, 外面的门是锁着的。

TONY: That's right. 对。

DETECTIVE STONE: And this window was closed? 这扇窗户也是关着的吗?

TONY: Yes. 是的。

DETECTIVE STONE: Then how did you get in? The museum was locked up hours ago. 那你是怎么进来的? 博物馆几小时前就锁门了。

DIANA: I was given an extra key when I started working here. 我开始在这儿上班的时候, 就给了我一把钥匙。

DETECTIVE STONE: Who else was given a key? 还有谁有钥匙?

DIANA: Well. . . there's Lisa, the secretary. . . And Mr. Tate, of course. 嗯...... 还有丽莎, 她是秘书...... 泰特先生当然也有。

DETECTIVE STONE: Yes, I called him. You can go now. I'll call you if I need any more information. 是的, 我打电话给他了。现在你们可以走了。如果我需要了解情况, 我会打电话给你们。

DIANA: Are you going to catch the person who did this, Detective? My uncle was a good man. 你会把凶手抓住吗, 侦探? 我叔叔是一个好人。

DETECTIVE STONE: Believe me, Miss Morris, I'm going to do everything I can. 相信我, 莫里斯小姐, 我会尽力而为的。

TONY: Come on, Diana. 走吧, 戴安娜。

DETECTIVE STONE: You are. . . ? 你是......?

PHILIP: Philip Tate.菲利普. 泰特。

DETECTIVE STONE: Thank you for coming at this late hour, Mr. Tate. I'm Detective Stone. I need your help. 这么晚还能来, 太感谢了, 泰特先生。我是斯通侦探, 我需要你的帮助。

PHILIP: Of course. But I don't know how I can help. I don't understand how a terrible crime like this could happen. 没问题。但是我不知道我能帮什么。我不明白怎么会发生这么可怕的凶杀案。

DETECTIVE STONE: We think the museum was entered at midnight. The killer came to this office, where he was surprised by Mr. Morris. Mr. Morris was knocked down, and then he was hit on the head behind the desk here. 我们认为有人在午夜闯入博物馆。凶手来到这间办公室, 他被莫里斯先生吓了下一跳。莫里斯先生被击倒在地, 然后在这边的桌子后面被击中头部。

PHILIP: Is he. . . ? 菲利普: 他是不是......?

DETECTIVE STONE: The body was taken away an hour and a half ago. 尸体一个半小时前被移走了。

PHILIP: Oh. 哦。