第 115 课:No problem. 没事儿。

JEFF: Sorry I'm late, Steven. There was a lot of traffic. 对不起, 我迟到了, 史蒂文。交通太拥挤了。

STEVEN: No problem. 没事儿。

JEFF: When I was a kid here, there wasn't any traffic at all. 我小的时候, 这儿根本就没有什么交通阻塞的问题。

STEVEN: There was no traffic, and there was no pollution. 那时这儿没什么车, 也没有污染。

JEFF: There was no excitement either. That's why I left. 也没什么令人兴奋的事情。这就是我离开的原因。

STEVEN: Why? 为什么?

JEFF: For the money, the excitement, the glamour of Hollywood. . . 为了钱, 为了找令人兴奋的事情, 为了好莱坞的魅力......

STEVEN: Why did you come back? 你为什么回来了?

JEFF: There was a lot of traffic in Hollywood. There was a lot of pollution and there wasn't any work. 好莱坞的交通太拥挤了, 污染太重了, 而且也没有什么工作机会。

STEVEN: There was no work in Hollywood? You're kidding. 好莱坞没有工作机会? 你在开玩笑吧。

JEFF: Well, I did all right there, but I didn't make a big. 呃, 我在那儿干得还可以, 但我没有成名。

STEVEN: So here you are back in Stamford. 所以你回到了斯坦福德。

JEFF: Yes. And there isn't anyone more surprised than I am. 是的。而且没有人比我对此更感到惊讶了。

STEVEN: I get the feeling that there isn't anyone or anything special in Stamford either. 我觉得斯坦福德也没什么特别的人和事。

JEFF: What do you mean? 什么意思?

STEVEN: I mean, you don't think the show is special. 我的意思是说, 你认为这部戏不怎么特别。

JEFF: What are you trying to say, Steven? 史蒂文, 你想说什么?

STEVEN: We're behind schedule and I need your help. 我们的进度没跟上, 我需要你的帮助。