第 121 课:Nothing for me, huh? 没我的东西吗, 啊?

MRS. BENNETT: How are you, dear? 你好吗, 亲爱的?

JEFF: Fine, thanks. Was there any mail for me? 很好, 谢谢。有我的邮件吗?

MRS. BENNETT: There wasn't anything for you. There were two bills and a magazine for me. But there was no mail for you. 没有。有给我的两张帐单和一份杂志。但是没有你的邮件。

JEFF: Nothing for me, huh? 没我的东西吗, 啊?

MRS. BENNETT: No, nothing. You don't live here anymore. Why would anyone send mail to you here? 没有, 什么也没有。你不在这儿住了, 为什么还会有人把邮件给你寄到这儿呢?

JEFF: I gave someone this address. 我把这儿的地址给过别人。


JEFF: Just a friend who owes me money. 一个欠我钱的朋友。

MRS. BENNETT: Well, there wasn't any mail for you today. 哦, 今天没有你的邮件。

JEFF: OK. Sorry. I just need the money. I have a lot of expenses on the new apartment. 好的。对不起, 我只是需要钱。租新公寓花销很大。

MRS. BENNETT: Were there any lights in your building last night? 昨晚你住的那栋楼有电吗?

JEFF: No, there were no lights last night. But when I left this morning, there was electricity. 没有, 昨晚没电。但今天早上我离开的时候来电了。

MRS. BENNETT: Was there any hot water? 有热水吗?

JEFF: Yes, there was hot water. 有的, 有热水。

MRS. BENNETT: Was there any heat? 有暖气吗?