第 126 课:Last night was awful. 昨晚太可怕了。

MARY BETH: Oh, Rita, I'm so tired. 哦, 丽塔, 我太累了。

RITA: I keep telling you, Mary Beth. This is serious. You'd better get more sleep. 我一直都跟你说, 玛丽.贝思—— 我可是认真的—— 你最好多睡一会儿。

MARY BETH: Last night was awful. 昨晚太可怕了。

RITA: You'd better hire a baby-sitter, or you're going to be too tired to rehearse. 你最好雇个保姆, 否则你会累得排练不了的。

MARY BETH: I want to be with my kids. 我想跟我的孩子在一起。

RITA: Then maybe you should stay home. 那么也许你该呆在家里。

MARY BETH: I don't know what to do. I have to work. We need the money. 我不知道该怎么做。我得工作, 我需要钱。

RITA: Well, dear, last night was a disaster. 哦, 亲爱的, 昨晚真是一场灾难。

MARY BETH: You're right. I'd better not do that again. 是啊, 我最好再别那么做了。

RITA: I hate to say it, but it's true. The next time you have to work late, I think you'd better leave Jonathan at home. 我不想多嘴, 但的确是这样。如果你下次要工作到很晚的话, 我想你最好是把乔纳森留在家里。

MARY BETH: What time is it? 几点了?

RITA: You have an hour before you're on. 离你工作时候还有一个小时。

MARY BETH: I'm going to close my eyes for a few minutes. 我想小睡一会儿。

RITA: Good idea. 这想法不错。

MARY BETH: Thanks, Rita. And thanks for watching Jonathan last night. 谢谢, 丽塔。谢谢你昨晚照看乔纳森。

RITA: It was nothing. 没什么。

MARY BETH: I'm sorry he messed up all your makeup. 我很抱歉他把你的化妆品弄得一团糟。

RITA: Oh, yeah, I'd better clean that up. I have to buy some new makeup, anyway. You'd better get some sleep. You'll never be able to rehearse. 哦, 对了, 我最好把化妆品清理一下。我反正得买点儿新的化妆品了。你最好睡一会儿。否则你会没法排练的。