第 137 课:But will he be all right? 但是他会没事吗?

MRS. BENNETT: Oh, Jeff. 噢, 杰夫。

MRS. BENNETT: I don't know what to do. I want to see your father. 我不知道该做什么了。我想见见你父亲。

JEFF: When I speak to the doctor, I'll ask when we can see him. 当我和医生谈话时, 会问他我们什么时候能看见父亲的。

MRS. BENNETT: If they don't let me see your father soon, I'll go crazy. 如果他们不让我尽快见到你父亲, 我会疯的。

JEFF: Calm down, Mom. Everything will be fine. I'll go find the doctor. 镇静, 妈妈, 一切都会好的。我要去找医生。

MRS. BENNETT: Could you call your brother first? When your father wakes up, he'll want to see him. 你能先给你哥哥打个电话吗? 你爸爸醒来时, 会想见他的。

JEFF: It's all right, Mom. I'm going to take care of everything. I'll call Bill. 好吧, 妈妈。我会照顾好一切的。我去给比尔打电话。

MRS. BENNETT: Oh, and a Dr. Carrano called. He'll be at his office for half an hour. 噢, 一位叫卡里诺的医生打来过电话。他将在办公室里呆半个小时。

JEFF: Thanks. . . I'll find a pay phone. 谢谢...... 我去找个投币电话。

JEFF: Hello, Bill. It's Jeff. . . Listen, I'm at the hospital. Dad had a heart attack. . . He moved some heavy furniture and got dizzy. Mom found him on the floor. Bill, would you please come home? . . . You can't? . . . OK. . . I'll handle it.喂, 比尔, 我是杰夫... 听我说, 我现在在医院。爸爸突发心脏病......他搬动一些重家具时, 突然晕了过去。妈妈发现他倒在地板上。比尔, 你回家好吗?...你不能?... 好... 我来应付。

DR. KIM: Mrs. Bennett? 您是班纳特夫人吗?

MRS. BENNETT: Yes? . . . Is he all right? 什么事?......他没事吧?

DR. KIM: Your husband had a heart attack. We gave him some medication, and we're watching him carefully. 你的丈夫得了心脏病, 我们已给他进行了治疗, 现正在对他做严密的观察。

MRS. BENNETT: But will he be all right? 但是他会没事吗?

DR. KIM: Right now he's sleeping. When he wakes up, we'll know more. 现在他正睡着, 他醒后, 我们才能更确切地了解他的病情。