第 174 课:I really enjoy skiing. 我真的喜欢滑雪。

Jake: In February, the new company moves to the Midwest. This is Jake Seltzer reporting from Dallas, Texas. 二月份新公司将搬到中西部。这是杰克.萨尔茨从德克萨斯州的达拉斯发来的报道。

Maria : Good job, Jake. 干得好, 杰克。

Connie : Jake did very well. 杰克干得非常漂亮。

Maria : Yes. He did very well. He's already a good host. I think Jake is becoming a much better reporter too. 是的, 他做得很好。他早已是个优秀的主持人了。我想杰克也快成了一名挺不错的记者了。

Connie : That's good. You need some help. You look tired. 这很好, 你需要有人帮忙。你看起来挺累的。

Maria : I am tired. I'm looking forward to my vacation. 我确实很累, 我盼望着去度假。

Connie : Vacation? That's great, Maria. You should quit worrying about WEFL. Where are you going? 度假? 好极了, 玛丽亚。别再为WEFL 操心了。你准备去哪儿?

Maria : I'm going asking in Colorado. I can imagine skiing through deep snow on a cold morning. 我准备去科罗拉多滑雪。我能想象出在寒冷的早晨滑过厚厚的积雪时的感觉。

I imagine warming my feet near the fire. I love walking in the snow. I think about-- 我能想象出在炉火边暖脚的样子, 我喜欢在雪中散步, 我想......

Connie : Stop talking about it. 别再说了。

Maria : I really enjoy skiing. 我真的喜欢滑雪。

Connie : Are you going alone? 你一个人去吗?

Maria : Yes, but I'm seeing friends in Aspen. 是的, 但我要在奥斯本会朋友。

Connie : Who? 谁?

Maria : Sam Finch wants me to ski with him. He's going there for a conference. 山姆.芬奇邀我一块滑雪。他要去那儿开会。

Connie : I've seen him at the station, but I don't know him. Tell me about him. 我在电视台见过他, 但我不了解他。跟我说说他的情况吧。

Maria : Well, he's a businessman. He over part of WEFL. He has a meeting in Aspen. He's a very nice guy. 好的。他是个商人。他拥有WEFL 的一部分。他在奥斯本有一个会。他人很好。