第 178 课:How nice. I'm happy for you. 多好呀, 我真为你高兴。

Student 4: I think homework is really boring. I'm just so bored by it. I mean, ther are so many other things I'd rather do instead, and so I just don't like it. 我觉得家庭作业真烦人, 我非常讨厌它。我的意思是说, 我宁愿干许多其它事情而不愿做作业, 我真的不喜欢家庭作业。

Connie : This is Connie Swift, reporting from Stamford High School. 这是康妮.斯威夫特从斯坦福德中学向你报道。

Connie : I'm excited about this story. I'd like to do a series of reports on education and jobs. 这个题材使我很兴奋, 我非常愿意就教育和就业做一系列报道。

Maria : I'm interested. It's a good story, Connie. I have to go downstairs and see Steven. 我非常感兴趣, 这是一个很好的题材, 康妮。我得下楼去看史蒂文了。

Connie : OK. Thanks, Maria. 好的。谢谢你, 玛丽亚。

Connie : Isn't that Sam Finch? 那不是山姆.芬奇吗?

Maria : Oh, yes. 哦, 是的。

Connie : You have his picture? Maria, what's going on? 你有他的照片吗? 玛丽亚, 怎么回事呀?

Maria : I think he's fascinating. We went to dinner last week, and we had a wonderful time. He's really very interesting. 我认为他非常有魅力。上周我们一起去吃晚饭, 我们度过了一段非常美妙的时光。他真的非常有趣。

Connie : How nice. I'm happy for you. 多好呀, 我真为你高兴。

Connie : I hope you won't be disappointed in As pen, Maria. 我希望你在奥斯本不会感到失望, 玛丽亚。