第 185 课:I'm so happy that you're directing. 你当导演我真高兴。

Maria : Mike! I'm so happy that you're directing. 迈克, 你当导演我真高兴。

Mike: I'm glad to help. I'll do anything to make you take a vacation. You need it, Maria. 我很愿意帮忙, 我会尽我所能让你去度假的, 玛丽亚。你需要度假了。

Maria : Maybe you'll like directing. 或许你会喜欢上当导演的。

Mike: I'm happy to help Steven and Connie. But I love cameras. I'm not a director. 我很高兴能给史蒂文和康妮帮点儿忙, 但我喜欢摄影, 我不是导演。

Maria : Oh, come on. Everyone is ambitious. You'll be a good director. 噢, 得了吧, 每个人都有上进心的, 你会成为一名好导演的。

Mike: Maybe. But only for two weeks . . . How long have you known me, Maria? 可能吧。但只干两周......玛丽亚, 你认识我多久了?

Maria : I've known you for six years, I think. 我想, 我认识你六年了。

Mike: You've known me for ten years, Maria. You've known me since I lived in St. Louis. Remember? I always loved to shoot pictures . 玛丽亚, 你认识我十年了,自从我住在圣.路易斯你就认识我了, 想起来了吗? 我一直喜欢摄影。

Maria : I've known you since St. Louis? Well, OK, that's a long time. You were a good photographer. And you can be a good director too. 自从你到圣.路易斯我就认识你了吗? 噢, 那可是很长时间了。你是个优秀的摄影师, 你也能成为一名好导演的。

Mike: I love to shoot pictures . I'm not a director. I'll help Steven, but I want my old job as cameraperson. 我喜欢摄影, 我不是个导演, 我会帮史蒂文的, 但我还要干我的老本行— 当摄影师。

Maria : Well, I love having you here, Mike. And thanks for helping. 好, 迈克, 我喜欢你在这儿工作, 谢谢你的帮助。

Connie : Take one. . . Three, two, one. This is Connie Swift with the second in our series on education and jobs. 片段一,...... 三, 二, 一, 现在是关于教育和就业系列节目之二, 我是康妮.斯威夫特。

Most Americans follow the same career all their lives. My first job was at a newspaper. I've reported the news for five years. 大多数美国人一生只干一种工作, 我的第一份工作是在一家报社。报道新闻也有五年了。

We decided to ask people this question, "How long have you had your job?" We asked, "What do you do? How long have you done it? " 我们决定问问人们这个问题:“ 你做自己的工作有多长时间了?” 我们要问“ 你是做什么工作的? 你做了多长时间了?

OK, cut. Thanks , Mike. By the way, how long have you been a cameraman? 好, 停! 谢谢, 迈克, 顺便问一句, 你当多长时间的摄影师了?