第 207 课:Have you been looking for a job? 你一直在找工作吗?

Connie : Have you been looking for a job? Try an employment agency. They find jobs for hundreds of people every day. 你一直在找工作吗? 到职业介绍所试试。他们每天能为好几百人找到工作。

Are you an employer? And you tired of interviewing people ? Try an employment agency. Employment agencies have been helping employers find good people for fifty years. 你是老板吗? 你是否厌倦了面试雇员? 到职业介绍所试试。50 年来, 职业介绍所一直在为老板们找到合适的人选。

In this report, we'll look at how employment agencies work. I wondered how long it would take a company to fill a position without using an employment agency. Stop, please. I have to write a new script. 在这个报道中, 我们将看看职业介绍所是如何工作的。我想知道不通过职业介绍所, 一个公司要花多长时间才能找到适合某一个职务的人选。请停下。我必须重新写一份稿子。

Connie : An employment agency can help you find a job. They'll read your resume, interview you, and sugget jobs for you too. 职业介绍所能帮你找份工作, 他们会阅读你的简历, 面试你, 并为推荐工作。

Visiting an agency in Stamford, we asked this question: How long will it take a companyto find the right employee without using an employment agency? 采访斯坦福德的一家职业介绍所时, 我们提出了这个问题: 一个公司不通过职业介绍所, 多长时间才能找到一个合适的雇员?

Man 1: If they are lucky, between six and seven weeks. We can do it in twenty-four hours. 如果公司幸运的话, 大约需要六、七周才能找到合适的人选。而我们能在24 小时之内解决问题。

Connie : The agents spend lots of time looking at resumes. Notice how they compare people who are looking for a job in a pharmacy. 代理人花很多时间看简历。注意他们是如何对申请在药店工作的人进行比较的。

Man 2: All right. Now we'll look at Bob here. Well, you can see he started out as a teacher, but he was a science teacher, so he knows science. 好吧, 现在让我们看看鲍勃的情况。嗯, 你可以看到他最初是教师, 但他是个理科教师, 所以他懂理科知识。

Woman 1: He worked as a scientist between 1988 and 1990. 他在1988 至1990 年间是名科研工作者。

Man 2: So he was a scientist too, now he's director of product development. OK. Now, you know, we'll look at John. 男 所以他也是科学家, 现在他是产品开发部门的经理, 好了, 现在, 你知道, 我们要看看约翰的情况了。

And we know that he al-he has a Ph. D. That's good. Now let's see if he's making the, um, tablets too. 我们知道他也有博士学位。这很好, 现在要看看他是否也在做, 嗯, 药片。

Woman 1: John has experience with tablets, but Jim doesn't. 约翰有过做药的经验, 但吉姆没有。

Connie : The employment agents look to see which people have used computers. 职业介绍所的人查查看谁用过计算机。

Man 2: Well, looking at it, Jim's also used computers. . . Bob has too. I would say both John and Jim have a significant advantage over Bob, but they-they just have more experience. 好了, 看这儿, 吉姆也用计算机⋯ 鲍勃也用过, 我可以肯定约翰和吉姆都比鲍勃有更大优势, 而且他们--他们还有更多工作经验。

Connie : Many people have used either a computer or a word processor. It often helps if you've used one. Here's another pair of agents comparing computer programmers. 很多人用过计算机或文字处理工具, 如果用过的话会很有帮助。这儿是另外一对代理人在比较计算机程序员。

Woman 2: John hasn't used an IBM computer before, and George hasn't either. 约翰以前没有用过IBM 计算机, 乔治也没用过。

Man 1: When he was at Emory, can you tell me what he did there? 你能告诉我他在埃莫丽的时候干什么吗?