第 210 课:Oh. Is the baby due?哦, 是孩子要出生了吗?

Steven: The doctor says Anne might have the baby soon. She has some pains, and the doctor's not sure. But I don't know. 医生说安妮快生了, 她有些阵痛, 医生不能确定什么时候生。但是我不知道。

She might not have it. What if she has it early ? She's almost two weeks early. I can't work while Anne is haveing the baby! 她或许不会早产。如果她早产的话该怎么办? 她几乎提前了两周, 她生孩子的时候我无法工作。

Steven: Connie? Can you come in here? 康妮? 你能来一下吗?

Steven: Connie, I might have to leave early today. 康妮, 我今天可能要早走。

Connie : Uh-huh. 嗯。

Steven: And I might not be in tomorrow or the next day. 明天或后天我也可能不来。

Connie : Oh. Is the baby due?哦, 是孩子要出生了吗?

Steven: Maybe. It might come any day now. 或许, 现在它有可能在任何一天降生。

Connie : That's wonderful, Steven! 太好了, 史蒂文!

Steven: Yes, but Maria might not be back in. You might have to help me. Can you keep an eye on things for the next few days? 是的, 但是玛丽亚有可能回不来, 你可能得帮帮我。以后的几天, 你可以帮我照看一下吗?

Connie : I don't know where everything is. 我不知道应该做什么。

Steven: The schedules are on the desk. Everything is planned. Abbott Larkin might call. If he does, please schedule his interview for next month. 日程表在桌子上, 每件事都计划好了, 阿伯特. 拉金可能会打电话, 如果他打电话来, 请把他的采访安排到下月。

Connie : Next month any day? 下月的任何一天?

Steven: Right. Bob Hammond might call. Please give him my home phone number if he calls. 是的, 鲍勃.哈蒙德可能会打电话, 如果他来电话请把我家的电话号码告诉他。
Steven: Hello. Anne? OK. OK! OK! I'll be there in five minutes. I love you. . . This is it! 你好。安妮? 好, 好! 好的! 我五分钟就到, 我爱你...... 就这样了。