第 212 课:That's not the only place the dig. 那不是他们挖的唯一的地方

Jake: Sometimes they find things on the ground. Sometimes they find things under the ground or under rocks. 有时他们在地面上找到东西, 有时他们在地下或在石头下找到东西。

Sometimes they find things on top of walls. . . This man found a beautiful statue. There might be another one like it somewhere. 有时他们在墙头发现东西...... 这个人发现了一尊美丽的雕像, 可能在其它地方还会有一个相同的。

Mike: All those people digging in the ground. . . . 所有那些人都在地下挖.....

Jake: That's not the only place the dig. 那不是他们挖的唯一的地方

Mike: What do you mean? 你什么意思?

Jake: Herod's City was located on the coast. . . A lot of people look for objects that might be on the bottom of the sea. 希律城坐落在海岸上, 许多人在找那些可能在海底的东西。

Mike: You mean they might find objects in the water? 你的意思是说他们可能在水里发现一些东西?

Jake: Yes. The city was once a major harbor. . . People have been digging for thirty years. . . They have uncovered only a small part of the city. 是的, 这座城曾经是一个主要海港...... 人们已经挖了三十年了, 他们仅仅发掘了城市的一小部分。

Mike: Wow! This sounds like a great story, Jake. 哇! 这听起来像是个重大新闻, 杰克。

Jake: It may make a good feature. 这可以做一个精彩的主题节目。

Mike: You should interview that scientist at the Stamford Museum. 你应该在斯坦福德博物馆采访一下那个科学家。

Jake: That's a good idea. Steven said he might be in his office this week. I'll call him. 好主意。史蒂文说这周他可能在办公室, 我给他打电话。