第 227 课:I'd say maybe about five to ten acres. 大约五到十英亩。

Connie : Do you know where to go for a breath of fresh air and wide open spaces? Jim Stuart found a place right here in Stamford. 你知道在哪儿能呼吸到新鲜空气, 拥有开阔的室外空间吗? 吉姆.斯图亚特在斯坦福德这儿找到了这么一个地方。

Jim: We're here at the Stamford Nature Center with Brad Burnham. Brad, could you tell us a little about the farm? 我们现在和白兰德. 贝克汉姆在斯坦福德自然中心。白兰德, 你能告诉我们一些关于农场的情况吗?

Brad: Sure. We have a small New England farm here at the Stamford Museum and Nature Center. We have many types of farm animals here. 当然。在斯坦福德博物馆和自然中心这儿有一个新英格兰式小农场, 在这儿我们有许多种家畜。

Jim: There are plenty of farm animals here. The school children love them. There are all the usual farm animals, but not many places have others. 这里有许多家畜, 学校里的孩子们很喜欢它们。这儿有所有常见的家畜, 但是并不是很多地方有水獭。

Do you know anywhere in Stamford where you can see otters play? 你知道在斯坦福德哪儿能看到水獭嬉戏吗?

Jim: But the stars of the show are the new baby lambs. 但是这次节目的明星是这些新出生的羊羔。

Jim: Can you tell me how old those lambs are? 你能告诉我, 那些羊羔有多大了吗?

Brad: Sure. They are six and a half weeks old and their names are Spot and Houdini. 当然可以。它们有六个半星期了, 名字是点点和霍德尼。

And they are lots of fun to play with. They're very curious and a little shy of people. 跟它们在一起玩其乐无穷。它们非常好奇, 还有点怕人。

Jim: Could you tell our viewers how big the farm is? 你能否告诉观众这个农场有多大?

Brad: I'd say maybe about five to ten acres. 大约五到十英亩。

Jim: Does anyone know how many geese you have here? 有谁知道你们这里养了多少只鹅吗?

Brad: No, I'm sorry, we don't. We have a lot of geese. 不知道, 对不起, 我们都不知道。我们的鹅很多。

Jim: Can you tell me why the geese like it here? 你能否告诉我为什么这些鹅喜欢这儿呢?

Brad: Yes, 'cause the visitors love to feed them. 可以。因为来访者喜欢喂它们。
Jim: You can shop at the gift shop or you can walk on the hiking trails. But do you know how to keep a secret? 你可以去礼品店购物也可以去山间小道散步, 但你知道如何保守秘密吗?