第 233 课:What did you do at night? 那你们晚上干什么?

Mike: Did your family make a good living on the farm? 你家在农场生活富裕吗?

Connie : We didn't make a lot of money, but we did well enough. We had to do without alot of things, like a TV. 我们没赚多少钱, 但我们过得还可以。那时家里缺很多东西, 比如电视什么的, 但也得照样生活。

Mike: What did you do at night? 那你们晚上干什么?

Connie : My brother and I did the dishes in the evening. Then we did our homework. It was a quiet life. I miss it sometimes. 我和弟弟晚上刷碗, 然后做功课。那是一段安宁的日子, 有时我还挺怀念的。

Mike: Well, then, come on. Let's get to that farm. 那么, 走吧。我们去那个农场看看。

Mike: I wonder how they lived on farms years ago. How did they do the laundry without washing machines? 不知道前些年人们是怎么在农场生活的。没有洗衣机他们怎么洗衣服?

Connie : How did they do the ironing without electricity? 没有电, 他们怎么熨衣服?

Mike: How did they make phone calls without telephones? 没有电话机他们怎么打电话?

Connie : Come on. Let's find out. I made an appointment to interview someone at three. 走吧, 我们一起去看看。我三点钟有个采访约会。

Jake: A good journalist always does his homework. I've been reading all the newspapers. I've been making phone calls all day. 好的新闻工作者总有许多准备工作要做。我已经翻遍了所有的报纸, 整天都在打电话,

I'm doing my best to find out about Abbott Larkin. I'm giving it my best shot, but so ar I haven't made any progress. 想尽办法搜集阿尔伯特.拉金的情况。我已尽了全力,但目前还是没有任何进展。

I did a good job with the story about the merger of International Computer and NIT. . .I'd like to make an appointment to speak with Abbott Larkin. . . Connie's been at the farm a long time. 关于国际计算机公司和NIT 合并的报道,我做得不错......我想约阿尔伯特. 拉金谈一下...... 康妮去农场采访已经有一段时间了。

I passed up that story. . . I hope I didn't make a mistake. . . I hope I did the right thing.我把那个节目推了...... 希望没做错...... 我希望自己做对了。