第 234 课:Why did you save the barn?为什么你们要保留这个谷仓呢?

Connie : I'm Connie Swift, and today "Hello America" is visiting a restored New England farm. A few years ago, this old barn was falling apart. 我是康妮.斯威夫特。今天“ 你好, 美国” 节目将带大家去参观一个修葺过的新英格兰式农场。几年前, 这个旧谷仓散架了。

The question? What to do about it? Many people thought the barn was too old to restore. Others thought it wasn't important enough to save. 问题来了, 该怎么办? 许多人认为这个谷仓太旧, 已经不能修复了。而另外一些人认为, 这个谷仓不那么重要, 不值得修复。

The Stamford Nature Center thought the barn was too important to lose, and they did agood job of restoring it. 斯坦福德自然中心则认为这个谷仓太重要了, 不能丢弃, 他们的修复工作做得不错。

Brad Burnham is Assistant Director here. I can see you did your best to keep the original features. 白兰德. 贝克汉姆是这儿的副主管。我看得出来, 你们尽力保持了谷仓的原貌。

Brad: Yes, we did. 是的, 我们尽力了。

Connie : Why did you save the barn?为什么你们要保留这个谷仓呢?

Brad: It was too good to lose. 它太棒了, 不能丢弃。

Connie : It looks wonderful. 它看起来真棒。

Brad: We did our best to restore it. I think we did a good job fixing it. 我们竭尽全力进行修复, 我认为修复工作还是做得不错的。

Connie : Life on this farm two hundred years ago was difficult. The men did the farm work. They did the plowing. 两百年前, 这个农场的生活很艰苦。男人们做农活。他们耕地。

The women did the housework. They did the cooking. They did the cleaning. They made theclothes. If the children were big enough to work, they fed the animals. 女人们做家务。她们烧饭, 搞清洁, 做衣服。如果孩子长大能干活了, 他们就要喂牲畜。

Connie : In the summer, the women did the laundry in the pool. But in the winter, it was too cold to do the laundry there. They had to heat water over a fire. 夏天, 女人们在池塘里洗衣服, 但到了冬天, 池塘的水太冷了, 她们就得在火上把水烧热。