第 239 课:Yeah. I used to play football. 是的, 我以前打橄榄球?

Steven: A few months ago, I could jog without any problem. 几个月前, 我慢跑根本不在话下。

Jake: How long ago? A few months or a few years? 多久以前? 几个月还是几年以前?

Steven: When I was in college, I used to be on the track team. I could run a mile in five minutes. 我上大学时, 是田径队的, 五分钟能跑一英里。

Jake: Oh, come on. I bet you couldn't. 噢, 算了吧, 我敢打赌你不行。

Steven: Oh, yes, I could. When I was in college, I could swim ten miles. 噢, 不, 我然行, 上大学时我游泳能游十英里呢。

Jake: Steven, what happened to you? 史蒂文, 你现在怎么样?

Steven: Well, in those days I could stay up all night, but now I can't. 嗯, 那时候我能熬通宵, 但是现在不行了。

Jake: Come on. By the end of the month, you'll be in great shape again. You, ready? 来, 我们跑一会吧。到这个月月底, 你身体就又能很棒了, 走吧?

Steven: Give me another minute. Were you an athlete? 再待会儿。你以前是运动员吗?

Jake: Yeah. I used to play football. 是的, 我以前打橄榄球?

Steven: Football! Where? 打橄榄球, 在哪儿?

Jake: At University of Ohio. I could throw a football pretty well back then. 在俄亥俄大学, 那时我投球投得很好。

Steven: How far? 能投多远?

Jake: Maybe forty yards. I could kick the ball fifty yards. Yeah, but I hurt my
shoulder and I can't play football anymore. 大约四十码。我可以踢五十码。嗯, 但后来我的肩膀受伤了, 现在已经不能再玩橄榄球了。

Steven: You can still play. You look great. 你还可以继续打, 你看起来挺棒的。