第 243 课:I think I'd rather have chicken. 我想吃鸡。

Steven: Thank you for trying. Listen, Connie, Anne and I want you to come to our house sometime. She wants to meet you. 你能想到帮我, 我已经很感激了。听我说, 康妮, 我和安妮想邀你什么时候到家里玩, 她想见见你。

Connie : I'd love to see you and Anne sometime, but I know you're busy with the baby. 我很想什么时候能去你家看望你和安妮, 但我知道你们整天忙着照顾孩子。

Steven: We're much more organized than we were before. Why don't you come to lunch on Sunday? Are you free this weekend? Or would you rather come to dinner on Saturday night? 我们现在比以前有条理多了。周日来吃午饭吧? 这周末你有空吗? 或者你更愿意周六晚上来吃顿晚饭?

Connie : Lunch on Sunday sounds great. I'm busy on Saturday night. 还是周日吃午饭吧, 六晚上我太忙了。

Steven: I'll call Anne and make sure that it's all right with her. 我给安妮打电话, 问问她这个时间行不行。

Connie : Great. 好极了。

Steven: Hi. It's me. . . How's everything there? 嗨, 是我 ......家里情况怎么样 ?

Anne: We're fine. The baby's sleeping. I'm doing the laundry. How's everything there? 我们很好。孩子睡觉了, 我在洗衣服, 你那儿怎么样?

Steven: Fine. I called to ask you a question. Is it OK if Connie comes to lunch on Sunday, or would you rather spend the day alone? 也挺好的。我打电话是想问你, 康妮周日来吃午饭行吗? 还是你想周日清静清静?

Anne: I'd love to have Connie to lunch on Sunday. Do you think she's free? 我很愿意请康妮周日来吃午饭, 你认为她有空吗?

Steven: I know she's free. I've already invited her. 我知道她有空, 我已经邀请过她了。

Anne: Thanks for asking me first. Can you pick up some groceries on your way home from work? 谢谢你先征求我的意见。你下班回来的路上买点吃的吧?

Steven: What should I buy? Would you rather have chicken or fish? 要买什么? 你要鸡肉还是鱼?

Anne: I think I'd rather have chicken. 我想吃鸡。

Steven: OK. Chicken sounds good to me too. 好吧。我也想吃鸡。

Anne: And we can have salad and a vegetable. Peas or green beans? 我们还得准备点色拉和蔬菜, 买豌豆还是青豆?

Steven: Umm, green beans. Would you rather have potatoes or rice? We had rice last night. I'll buy some potatoes. 嗯, 买青豆吧。你想吃土豆还是米饭? 昨天晚上我们刚吃了米饭。我买些土豆吧。

Anne: And for dessert? Ice cream or cake? 再准备些什么甜点呢? 是冰淇淋还是蛋糕?

Steven: Ice cream or cake? I'd rather have both. 冰淇淋还是蛋糕? 我两样都想吃。