第 247 课:The future of the business world. 商业界的未来。

Jake: Good morning. This is "Hello America." I'm Jake Seltzer. Today we'll be talking with Abbott Larkin, President of International Computer. 早上好。这里是“ 你好, 美国” 节目。我是杰克.萨尔茨。今天我们请到了国际计算机公司的总裁阿尔伯特. 拉金来参加我们的节目。

Jake: Mr. Larkin, your company is the largest computer manufacturer in the country. Is that right? 拉金先生, 您的公司是全国最大的计算机制造公司, 对吗?

Larkin : Yes, that's right. 是的, 你说得对。

Jake: Mr. Larkin, what is the most important development in the computer business today?拉金先生, 您认为在当今计算机业的发展中, 最重要的成就是什么?

Larkin : That's a god question, Jake. But I'd rather not talk about today. I'd rather talk about tomorrow.杰克, 这个问题提得好。但我不想谈今天计算机业的发展, 我倒愿谈谈计算机业的明天。

Jake: The future of the business world. 商业界的未来。

Larkin : Exactly. I think American business will be stronger in the future. 你说对了, 我想美国经济在未来将更强大。

Jake: What do you think will make business stronger? 你认为是什么会使得经济更加强大呢?

Larkin : I believe that computers will be the next big industry. And I believe
nternational Computer will be a leader. 我相信计算机业将是下一个重要的产业, 而且我认为国际计算机公司将会在这个行业中起带头作用。

Jake: How will the computer industry make American business stronger? 计算机将怎样使美国经济变得更强大呢?

Larkin : I think more and more people will use computers. Every American home will have a computer. That's what I expect. 我认为越来越多的人将会使用计算机, 每个美国家庭都会拥有一台计算机, 我想将来一定是这样。

Larkin : I go to schools and offices all over the country. I talk to many people.
rankly, people would rather not use typewriters anymore. Especially office workers.
我到了全国各地的学校和办公机构, 走访了许多人。坦白地说, 人们现在不愿再用打字机了,尤其是办公室职员。

Jake: What about students? 学生呢?

Larkin : Students would rather not do their homework by hand. They'd rather use computers. 学生们不愿再手写作业了, 他们更愿意用计算机。

Jake: Mr. Larkin, do you use a computer? 拉金先生, 您用计算机吗?