第 248 课:What is it? 是什么呢?

Larkin : Yes, I do. Even for personal letters, I'd rather use a computer than write by hand. 是的, 我用。即使是写私人信件我也愿意用计算机而不愿用手写。

Jake: International Computer has a new announcement coming up today. Is that right? 国际计算机公司今天将会发布一条新闻, 是吗?

Larkin : I'd rather wait until the meeting to make the announcement. But I will say right now we're introducing a very important new computer. 我想等会儿在会议上宣布, 不过现在就透露一些, 我们将推一款非常重要的新型计算机。

Jake: What is it? 是什么呢?

Larkin : Well, I guess your viewers will hear it first. It's a new personal computer hat has twice as much memory as the competition. That all I can say right now. 拉 嗯,想今天看这个节目的人是第一批听到这个消息的。这是一款新的个人电脑, 内存是其他竞争对手的两倍。这就是我现在能说的所有内容。

Jake: Thank you for talking with us today, Mr. Larkin. We look forward to Computer's newest computer. 谢谢您今天来参加我们的节目, 拉金先生。我们期待听到国际计算机公司新型电脑的进一步情况。

Jake: We just spoke with Abbott Larkin, President of International Computer. He thinks American business will be stronger in the future. Stronger than ever. And he also believes that computers will be America's next big industry. 我们刚刚与国际计算机公司总裁阿尔伯特. 拉金交谈过。他认为美国经济在未来将变得更强大。比以前任何时候都强大。他还认为, 计算机行业将是美国下一个重要产业。

He thinks more and more people will use computers every year. He believes every family will have a computer in the future. 他认为每年都会有越来越我的人使用计算机。他认为将来每个家庭都会拥有一台计算机。

And he hopes International Computer will continue to be a leader in the computer industry. 他希望国际计算机公司在计算机行业里继续保持领先的地位。

That's our report today from the annual meeting of the Computer Manufacturers of America. This is Jake Seltzer for WEFL. 这是我们今天来自美国计算机生产商年会的报道。我是杰克. 萨尔茨,WEFL 电视台为您报道。

Mike: Cut. 停。

Jake: Mr. Larkin, thanks for speaking with me. 拉金先生, 谢谢您接受我的采访。

Larkin : Jake, I think you cover the business world very well. 杰克, 我认为你的财经报道节目做得非常好。

Jake: Thank you, Mr. Larkin. I hope our viewers agree with you. 谢谢, 拉金先生。但愿我们的观众和您的感觉一样。

Larkin : Are you happy at WEFL, Jake? 杰克, 你在WEFL 做得开心吗?