第 253 课:I wish you didn't all look so worried. 我希望你们不要那么担心。

Sam: So that's my announcement. I've bought a new station in California. Mar ia has decided to come with me. I've sold my share of WEFL to Peter Case. 现在,我来宣布一件事。我在加利福尼亚买了一家电视台。玛丽亚决定和我一起走。我已经把WEFL的股份卖给了彼得. 凯斯。

He wished he could be here to meet you. I wish he could be here today too. But I hope you'll all be happy with him. 他希望能来这儿见见大家, 我也希望他今天能来这儿。但愿你们合作愉快。

Mike: Congratulations on your new station, Sam. 山姆, 祝贺你买了家新电视台。
Steven: Maria, congratulations on your new job. 史蒂文: 祝贺你有了新工作。

Mike: I hope you like California, Maria. I hope you're happy at the new station. But I wish you were staying at WEFL. I'm going to miss you. 玛丽亚, 希望你能喜欢加利福尼亚, 在新台里工作愉快。我多希望你能继续留在WEFL, 我会想你的。

Maria : Thanks, Mike. I wish you could come to California with us. 谢谢你, 迈克, 你要是能和我们一道去加利福尼亚就好了。

Mike: No. I'm happy here. 不了, 我在这里工作挺愉快的。

Connie : I wish California weren't so far away from Stamford. 加利福尼亚要是离斯坦福德不那么远就好了。

Jake: I wish Stamford were in California. Imagine a beach right outside the office. Seriously, I'm sorry to hear you're leaving. 我希望斯坦福德就在加利福尼亚。想象一下吧, 办公室外面就是海滩, 那该有多棒。不过说真的, 知道你们要走, 我很难过。

Maria : I hope you'll all come to visit me sometime. 我希望你们能找个时间来看我。

Sam: If you have any questions, come to my office this afternoon. Right now, I'm taking Maria to lunch to celebrate. . Are you ready to go, Maria? 如果大家还有什么问题, 今天下午可以来办公室找我。现在我要带玛丽亚出去吃午饭庆祝一下..... 玛丽亚, 可以走了吗?

Maria : Go ahead, Sam. I'll meet you in a few minutes. 你先走吧, 山姆, 我一会就来。

Maria : I wish you didn't all look so worried. 我希望你们不要那么担心。

Mike: We're just surprised. We'll be all right. 我们只是感到意外, 会好的。

Maria : OK. I'll see you after lunch. 好吧, 午饭后见。

Jake: The sale of the station is a big story. 出售电视台可是件大事。

Steven: Yeah. I just wish this weren't happening. 是的, 我多希望没这回事。